The other day I was talking to a friend...
She spoke of the infamous "rug."
Each of us has a rug placed under our feets and I think that, at some point, we wait for it to be ripped out from under us. I think we all silently fear our rugs.
I guess our rugs could be likened to the sequence of peaceful days. So often our days go by, uneventful. Our rugs collect dust.
But when they are ripped out from under us, all the dirt seems to go flying.
The dust may get in our eyes and blind us temporarily.
Our rugs..are our comfort....but when fate shifts them, even ever so slightly......
we often tend to fall apart....
This past week, my rug was shaken...It was taken from under my feet and shaken pretty hard. Dust flew. I got a few specks in my eyes.
But I am still standing. For that, I am grateful.
Let's be so deeply rooted in Christ, such that, even when our rugs fly, our resolve to follow Him won't.
Every day I learn something new. I have learned that things go wrong. Deeply wrong. But through it all, God is still faithful and good. I know that He holds those that are suffering. I know that His plan is larger than I can imagine, and I know that He hears our prayers.
This past week...my rug came crashing down when I was told that my grandmother has only a few weeks to live. And then I had another rug pulled out from under me when I found out that I am being decieved by someone I care about. Two rugs. One week.
I was driving to work one day and I truly wondered how I was going to handle the storm. Sometimes, I dream of tornados. In my dreams, they swirl down....dozens at a time.......
they are fierce...
They are threats to my peace...and they call into question the security of my rug.
....I could see the tornados in my situation.
I could see them by the thousands if I looked hard enough at the situation....
But one day I had a vision. I could see myself walking on a very thin wire.....Below me were the things of danger. Below me were the storms...and the wind that threatens the rug...
But I could see that if I kept my eyes upon my God...then I would make it to the other side unscathed...
No wind would harm me. Everything beautiful would fall into place.
Gratitude. How do we keep our eyes on our maker in the midst of adversity? How?
The doctors tell me that someone very important to me is dying. A permanent fixture from my life will be gone......
But then I remember that I had the chance to tell her goodbye. I had the chance to cry in her arms and tell her I love her. And for that, I am grateful.
I am grateful that there is a Heaven and I am grateful that God hears my prayers.
Because I asked Him to see her again someday..and I know that He will hear me.
I am grateful. Even though there are people in my life who find it acceptable to decieve me...there are others that are there to pick me up when I fall. I won't spend my time worrying about the ones that hurt me, but thanking God for the ones that He sent to love me.
Life is too short to worry. I would've missed out on some amazing moments if I had allowed worry to consume me. The other day I was swinging baby Brendan in the swing. He laughed such an innocent and beautiful laugh.
It is during those moments, that I truly understand Heaven...
It will be perfect innocence, perfect laughter, and no fear.
When our roots go deep, our rugs can't be misplaced.
How do we find our roots? By seeking, by calling upon His name, by trusting...by
getting rid of the garbage in our lives and looking up...
by calling on the name of the Creator and not giving in any time a little wind blows our way...
There is more, my friends. There is more.
My life is a compass that continually points to the way of the Cross. I have seen and I have experienced a Divine Love...There is more. He Loves You. There is more.
She spoke of the infamous "rug."
Each of us has a rug placed under our feets and I think that, at some point, we wait for it to be ripped out from under us. I think we all silently fear our rugs.
I guess our rugs could be likened to the sequence of peaceful days. So often our days go by, uneventful. Our rugs collect dust.
But when they are ripped out from under us, all the dirt seems to go flying.
The dust may get in our eyes and blind us temporarily.
Our rugs..are our comfort....but when fate shifts them, even ever so slightly......
we often tend to fall apart....
This past week, my rug was shaken...It was taken from under my feet and shaken pretty hard. Dust flew. I got a few specks in my eyes.
But I am still standing. For that, I am grateful.
Let's be so deeply rooted in Christ, such that, even when our rugs fly, our resolve to follow Him won't.
Every day I learn something new. I have learned that things go wrong. Deeply wrong. But through it all, God is still faithful and good. I know that He holds those that are suffering. I know that His plan is larger than I can imagine, and I know that He hears our prayers.
This past week...my rug came crashing down when I was told that my grandmother has only a few weeks to live. And then I had another rug pulled out from under me when I found out that I am being decieved by someone I care about. Two rugs. One week.
I was driving to work one day and I truly wondered how I was going to handle the storm. Sometimes, I dream of tornados. In my dreams, they swirl down....dozens at a time.......
they are fierce...
They are threats to my peace...and they call into question the security of my rug.
....I could see the tornados in my situation.
I could see them by the thousands if I looked hard enough at the situation....
But one day I had a vision. I could see myself walking on a very thin wire.....Below me were the things of danger. Below me were the storms...and the wind that threatens the rug...
But I could see that if I kept my eyes upon my God...then I would make it to the other side unscathed...
No wind would harm me. Everything beautiful would fall into place.
Gratitude. How do we keep our eyes on our maker in the midst of adversity? How?
The doctors tell me that someone very important to me is dying. A permanent fixture from my life will be gone......
But then I remember that I had the chance to tell her goodbye. I had the chance to cry in her arms and tell her I love her. And for that, I am grateful.
I am grateful that there is a Heaven and I am grateful that God hears my prayers.
Because I asked Him to see her again someday..and I know that He will hear me.
I am grateful. Even though there are people in my life who find it acceptable to decieve me...there are others that are there to pick me up when I fall. I won't spend my time worrying about the ones that hurt me, but thanking God for the ones that He sent to love me.
Life is too short to worry. I would've missed out on some amazing moments if I had allowed worry to consume me. The other day I was swinging baby Brendan in the swing. He laughed such an innocent and beautiful laugh.
It is during those moments, that I truly understand Heaven...
It will be perfect innocence, perfect laughter, and no fear.
When our roots go deep, our rugs can't be misplaced.
How do we find our roots? By seeking, by calling upon His name, by trusting...by
getting rid of the garbage in our lives and looking up...
by calling on the name of the Creator and not giving in any time a little wind blows our way...
There is more, my friends. There is more.
My life is a compass that continually points to the way of the Cross. I have seen and I have experienced a Divine Love...There is more. He Loves You. There is more.
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