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Sunday, July 12, 2020

What are your needs, and I could use some prayer.

Our American values often tell us that weakness is shameful. Many people are afraid to ask for help because they think that they will be negatively judged.

The New Testament is rife with examples of communities that are meant to reach out to one another with love. We are told to care for others and love others, in the same way that we love ourselves.

We are told that the very heart of Christ is found in bearing one another's burdens.

One thing that I have recently learned is that it is ok to ask for help. It is ok to accept help when needed. It's ok to be weak. It's ok to admit that we have failures and shortcomings.

This past week, I made a video on my Youtube channel about a seminar that I really wanted to watch.  The seminar was fifty dollars. I asked if any of my subscribers wanted to share the cost. When I checked my email, I was surprised to learn that one of my subs offered to pay for the entire cost of the seminar. In the past, my pride would not have let me accept such a generous offer. However, I wept as I told him that I would allow him to do this for me.
It has been so long since a stranger has offered to do anything nice for me, and I realized that there is nothing noble about being too prideful to accept someone's kindness and love.

What needs do you have? Are your needs financial?
Are they physical? Are they spiritual? Do you need a friend?

I will tell you my need today.
I am struggling with deep depression over this virus. Some days I do fine. I feel empowered by faith. Other days, I melt. I cry. I weep over the sheer devastation of lives lost. I would be lying is I said that I didn't have some degree of fear.
I have rarely left the house since this whole thing began. That has fostered depression, as well. I"m struggling with trying to navigate this both as someone called to walk in a spirit of power and without fear, and someone who also has a very analytical mind.

I struggle with worry.
Some days I manage to "set my eyes on the things above and not on things below" ON those days, I feel at peace. Other days, I feel utterly overwhelmed.

I could use some prayer.

Please tell me your needs?
Part of being a community of believers is being willing to accept love from others. I'm offering that love to you.

WHoever you are, you are loved. You a a friend in me. You can share your needs with me, and I won't judge you.

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