One night...about a year and a half ago...I was surfing the web.
I was going through a very hard time emotionally...
I came across a website. I don't know what it was about this particular website..
but I felt that I was meant to be there.
The site was a blog called, "Terribly Interesting"....
The opening words of the website..caught my eye..." I once read that French women do not beliive that women become interesting until 38. Turning 29, when I started this, I thought I would expedite this process by sharing my thoughts, feelings, and prayers while I pursue this life we are to attain in Christ. This is my journey to becoming Terribly Interesing..."
I don't know why..but those words "got me."
As women, human beings..don't we all desire to become "interesting?"
What fascinated me even more was the fact that she, the blog writer, loved Jesus. When most people think of Christians..they think.."boring" "prude" "uneducated." or even worse..hypocrite..
So I delved into the writing of this wonderous website and I learned and discovered that..True followers of Christ.. .the one's who sacrifice by loving...the one's who give to the hurting........
There is something deep and inspiring and interesting about them...
There is something that is real and beautiful. I liked the fact that the blog writer sold her home in the suburbs...I liked how she bought an old home in a drug addicted neighborhood. I liked how she thought that the process of restoration could mean more than just fixing up a home. I liked how she opened her home to hurting people and people in ministry. I liked the fact that she named her house, Gomer..after a prositute. I liked how she is one of the few people who realize that Jesus loves prositutes and bids us to put down our stones and love people whose lives don't look like our own.
At first, I have to admit.. As I was reading the blog...a part of me, a very small part...was envious..
The writer seemed to have the perfect life. Perfect marriage. Perfect everything. She was beautiful. Interesting. ...She could write and write well.
Her blog made me feel welcome. At home....somehow, loved...
Her words spoke to me where I was... The more I read..the more I related to the words on the screen.
God used this woman to speak to me.... As I read and delved more into the life of this beautiful stranger...I discovered that her life was not perfect. It had been touched by countless tragedy.
I remember many a night reading..reaching for Kleenex...I remember reading and delving into a life..finding a heart..pock marked by pain...but never once complaining. Never once questioning the goodness of God...I cried because this beautiful heart..although it was probably weathered...stood as a flower in the desert..encouraging, building up..spreading love...regardless of circumstance. I saw a heart victorious ... a heart the triumphed.
I cried because I saw the promise of the "full" life and I knew that it could be mine. You know..the full life that Jesus promises each of us.The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but ."I have come that you might have life and to have it in the full." The full life is for me, Jesus? Yes, Rachelle the full life is for you...
"The enemy has rendered me helpless..Every relationship I have ever had has failed in some way. I am not good enough. The enemy has taken me for a ride along rivers of rot....The enemy has left me scarred by death and curled in a helpless little worry... "Is this full life really for me, Jesus? " Yes, Rachelle..the full life is for all those who seek me.
As I read on.., I saw the full life played out on screen....tenderly written...lovingly played out in the documented life of a stranger.
I learned something.
Pain and tragedy touches each of us..Even those who, by all outward appearances, seem to have perfect lives. But beauty and true grace shines through a person who pushes on in the race despite the adversity. Though the enemy tries to steal our joy, kill our destiny, and decimate our lives...He comes that we might have life..and have it in the full...
Beauty is endurance. It is the rose colored paper meche at the end of a long, hard race. It is the banner that says, "You are tired. You reek of sweat..but you encouraged anyway. You inspired. You are a beautiful and interesting beacon...You give others hope."
I want to be that person.
The "woman" that I am speaking of has a name..Stephanie Cherry.
I follow her blog and her pinterest boards. We have never met....but one day I want to help her work on her home..
One day she surprised me and sent me a friend request on facebook.
I have taken a liking to her art and often purchase her paintings.
This one is called, "Good Morning, Gorgeous..."
I think we all need to be reminded sometimes that morning is good. The coffee is brewing...and we are given another day to live out our story in this beautiful and interesting life.
We all need to be reminded that, in some way, shape, or form...we are gorgeous. ..maybe not according the standards of "man."
But in God's eyes..we are beautiful.."fearfully and wonderfully made..created for purpose..
So from Stephanie to me...and from me to you...
Good Morning, Gorgeous....
Check out Stephanie's blog..and her art! Thanks Stephanie for living a life that looks like Jesus.
I was going through a very hard time emotionally...
I came across a website. I don't know what it was about this particular website..
but I felt that I was meant to be there.
The site was a blog called, "Terribly Interesting"....
The opening words of the website..caught my eye..." I once read that French women do not beliive that women become interesting until 38. Turning 29, when I started this, I thought I would expedite this process by sharing my thoughts, feelings, and prayers while I pursue this life we are to attain in Christ. This is my journey to becoming Terribly Interesing..."
I don't know why..but those words "got me."
As women, human beings..don't we all desire to become "interesting?"
What fascinated me even more was the fact that she, the blog writer, loved Jesus. When most people think of Christians..they think.."boring" "prude" "uneducated." or even worse..hypocrite..
So I delved into the writing of this wonderous website and I learned and discovered that..True followers of Christ.. .the one's who sacrifice by loving...the one's who give to the hurting........
There is something deep and inspiring and interesting about them...
There is something that is real and beautiful. I liked the fact that the blog writer sold her home in the suburbs...I liked how she bought an old home in a drug addicted neighborhood. I liked how she thought that the process of restoration could mean more than just fixing up a home. I liked how she opened her home to hurting people and people in ministry. I liked the fact that she named her house, Gomer..after a prositute. I liked how she is one of the few people who realize that Jesus loves prositutes and bids us to put down our stones and love people whose lives don't look like our own.
At first, I have to admit.. As I was reading the blog...a part of me, a very small part...was envious..
The writer seemed to have the perfect life. Perfect marriage. Perfect everything. She was beautiful. Interesting. ...She could write and write well.
Her blog made me feel welcome. At home....somehow, loved...
Her words spoke to me where I was... The more I read..the more I related to the words on the screen.
God used this woman to speak to me.... As I read and delved more into the life of this beautiful stranger...I discovered that her life was not perfect. It had been touched by countless tragedy.
I remember many a night reading..reaching for Kleenex...I remember reading and delving into a life..finding a heart..pock marked by pain...but never once complaining. Never once questioning the goodness of God...I cried because this beautiful heart..although it was probably weathered...stood as a flower in the desert..encouraging, building up..spreading love...regardless of circumstance. I saw a heart victorious ... a heart the triumphed.
I cried because I saw the promise of the "full" life and I knew that it could be mine. You know..the full life that Jesus promises each of us.The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but ."I have come that you might have life and to have it in the full." The full life is for me, Jesus? Yes, Rachelle the full life is for you...
"The enemy has rendered me helpless..Every relationship I have ever had has failed in some way. I am not good enough. The enemy has taken me for a ride along rivers of rot....The enemy has left me scarred by death and curled in a helpless little worry... "Is this full life really for me, Jesus? " Yes, Rachelle..the full life is for all those who seek me.
As I read on.., I saw the full life played out on screen....tenderly written...lovingly played out in the documented life of a stranger.
I learned something.
Pain and tragedy touches each of us..Even those who, by all outward appearances, seem to have perfect lives. But beauty and true grace shines through a person who pushes on in the race despite the adversity. Though the enemy tries to steal our joy, kill our destiny, and decimate our lives...He comes that we might have life..and have it in the full...
Beauty is endurance. It is the rose colored paper meche at the end of a long, hard race. It is the banner that says, "You are tired. You reek of sweat..but you encouraged anyway. You inspired. You are a beautiful and interesting beacon...You give others hope."
I want to be that person.
The "woman" that I am speaking of has a name..Stephanie Cherry.
I follow her blog and her pinterest boards. We have never met....but one day I want to help her work on her home..
One day she surprised me and sent me a friend request on facebook.
I have taken a liking to her art and often purchase her paintings.
This one is called, "Good Morning, Gorgeous..."
I think we all need to be reminded sometimes that morning is good. The coffee is brewing...and we are given another day to live out our story in this beautiful and interesting life.
We all need to be reminded that, in some way, shape, or form...we are gorgeous. ..maybe not according the standards of "man."
But in God's eyes..we are beautiful.."fearfully and wonderfully made..created for purpose..
So from Stephanie to me...and from me to you...
Good Morning, Gorgeous....
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a painting specially designed for me..!! I like how the words are soaked in tea.. what better way than to celebrate art than with tea! |
Check out Stephanie's blog..and her art! Thanks Stephanie for living a life that looks like Jesus.
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