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Precious angel, baby Falak |
For a little over a month, I have been following the progress of Baby Falak..
Baby Falak made national news a few months ago. She was brought into a hospital in India by a teenage girl. She didn't have a name..so the world gave her one..They called her baby Falak,, which means "Sky."
When she arrived at the hospital, she was covered in human bite marks. Her tiny two year old arms were broken. She had been branded with an iron. Who knows the full extent of the trauma that this baby faced?
Several people were arrested in a child sex slave ring in association with Baby Falak's injuries. During her stay at the hospital, she seemed to be improving. She suffered brain infections, heart attacks..but she kept going, even though she was in a coma.
I read tonight that her tiny little body couldn't take the trauma. She died from a heart attack almost a week ago.
As I look at this story, I feel so many different emotions. Grief. I am sad that anyone could even consider doing this to a child. I am sad that baby falak's final memories are of someone abusing her. I'm sad that on this earth, baby Falak didn't know love...but I'm also thankful that I believe in God and I believe in His love and His peace and His rest...and I'm thankful that I know that Baby Faluk finally knows what it means to be loved.
Gratitude.. I'm Thankful that my own children do not have to face these kinds of things. Grateful that they aren't exploited and abused.
I am forced to look at my life and wonder what I am doing.....We all talk about making a difference,
but what kind of sacrifices have we made to really help others? We talk about feeding the poor, but how many have we actually fed? We talk about helping those in need, but are we really?
I look at my life and ask, Is the gospel of Christ truly being lived through my life?
What comforts can I give up so that someone can eat for a day?
I read about people who are truly making a difference in child slavery. What a testimony these people will have at the end of thier lives! I saved a child..I saved children from a life of humiliation and slavery!
Tonight, I humbly pray that God truly show me how to help others in a deeper way. I pray that God put people in my path that truly need Him..
Sometimes, however, I wonder if God wants us to seek people out.. If He wants us to seek out the hungry that he commands us to feed. I wonder if He wants us to go and find them. I'm sure they can be found on any street corner in any major city. I'm sure the hungry are all around us, and we don't even realize it..
"Luke 3:9 The axe of his judgment is poised over you, ready to sever your roots and cut you down. Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire." Luke 3:10 The crowd replied, "What do you want us to do?" Luke 3:11 "If you have two coats," he replied, "give one to the poor. If you have extra food, give it away to those who are hungry."
As I read this verse, I can't help but notice the warning..The axe..ready. poised. threatening to sever our roots and cut us down."
It only makes me realize that roots grow in the soil of sacrifice. God has already shown me this..but this verse only confirms it..
Roots cannot grow..unless there is a sacrifice. A cross. a willing to give up..
Dear Lord, keep me humble.
And tell baby Faluk that I will see her someday. Kiss that baby's forehead and thank you for loving her.
the link below is a news article with more details on Baby Falak
She will take rebirth in a very loving family, with wonderful parents who will make her cherish each and every fraction of second of her life.