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Saturday, January 7, 2012

7 Days of Heaven, Day 7


My boys are sleeping soundly in a warm bed. I tickled bear before he went to sleep and all is well.
My life to this point has had so many ups and downs. I can't say that I've had it easy...but I had it easier than many.
All in all, I have learned to count my blessings.
IF there is one thing that God has taught me this is to be grateful. To count my blessings.
There have been days when I have felt like he was leading me to fast. But that has only made me that much more grateful for every piece of food I eat and every sip I take.
There have been times when I felt Him leading to work harder...but that has only made me appreciate moments of sweet rest.
There have been times when I have felt led to pray for people in the middle of the night. And thus, I appreciate sleep.
I am thankful that He hears us.

When we adopt a spirit of thanksgiving and truly learn to thank Him, even for the small things...a little bit of Heaven is brought to this dark earth.
People become inspired and the glory of God is revealed.

I watched the movie Soul Surfer several months back. Bethany Hamilton had her arm bitten off by a shark.
She questioned God, but she found that the experience brought her closer to God. She got back in the water.
She inspired thousands of people through her bravery. What is even more inspiring is that through it all, she thanked God.

Today, thank God. Find those beautiful pieces of life and thank Him for them.
Watch the world come alive.

 THere have been times that I have praised Him with song and I could feel the darkness literally fall away.
Darkness cannot live in light. Darkness is real and tanglible. We live in a world of the unseen. The enemy hates praise and thanksgiving because it is during those moments when we receive clarity. It is during those moments that we receive all that we need from God.

There have been times throughout the year when I have truly not felt like thanking God. There have been moments and days when it seemed as if life itself was falling apart. There have been days when I could feel the infamous vortex of despair whirling up inside me. But I did what I have learned to do: Pray..Give it to God. There have been times when I felt Him asking me to thank Him anyway. When my grandmother died, I thanked Him for the time spent with her. I thanked Him for the place He has prepared for us. When I discovered infidelity in my marriage, I thanked Him for the choices that we have. I thanked Him for freedom. I prayed for the one who hurt me.
When we thank God even in dire circumstances, He answers. He changes our perspective and forces us to look at the beauty around us instead of dwelling on our woe and misery.
The result is peace. The beautiful peace from feeling the very presence of God in your life.
Peace. . God has a way of healing. Sometimes He uses gratitude.

Last week I asked God for a special favor. "Dear God," I prayed, "remind me that you love me."
I need to hear it. "Dear God, remind us all how much you love us."
As soon as I prayed this prayer, I felt His immense love for me. His love has changed me.
His love gives me the strength to love back. His love is like a fresh breath, breathed into our lungs that propels us forward.
His love is real.

Today, something special happened in church. Our preacher dedicated his entire sermon to reminding us of the special love that God has for us. He answered my prayer, yet again. He reminded us.

His thoughts toward us are as countless as the sand in every part of the world.
Dear reader, His thoughts toward you are as countless as the sand.

Today, you need to be reminded how much He loves you.
He does. He loves you. No matter what you have done. He is standing there telling you, "It's ok. I love you."

Thank Him.

  1. Psalm 136:1 

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it..Psalm 118:24

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