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Friday, December 6, 2019

For Those Struggling and Those Who Doubt

Tonight, Jace spotted a little tree frog in the house. I told that we needed to catch it and put it back outside . I've seen enough frog skeletons in the house to know what happens when frogs aren't rescued.

Tonight, my heart is a little sad. There are so many people right now trapped in addiction. There are people who are struggling with anger and hatred. There are innocent people who are victim to those who are struggling. Every other day I read about a mass shooting. Today it was at a naval base. Last month,there was a shootout in Midland, Texas. A few weeks before that, people were shot up at a WalMart.

It almost seems as if there is no end to people's hatred and anger. I try not to judge harshly. I've been in dark places. I've experienced loss. I know what severe depression can do to a person. I know what it feels like to be hopeless. But, I also know a God who can turn ashes into beauty. I know a God who can turn despair into hope, and sadness into joy.

I know that there are people out there right now who doubt God. Atheism and agnosticism seem to be growing. The Bible says that Jesus will be misrepresented by many people. It also says that many people will have a form of godliness, but that they will deny the power, thereof.
Perhaps, at times, I have been that person. If so, I am sorry.

There have been times when I was much younger that even I doubted God. I didn't understand the concept of how a loving God could burn people in an eternal hell. The truth is that there is still MUCH that I don't understand. However, I do know that Jesus is Real.
I do know that He is good. I do know that He can take our darkness and turn it into light.

I do know that He can heal.
I do know that there is a darkness out there that longs to steal, kill, and destroy. I've experience demons in horrific ways. But through it all, I've learned that God is still good and there is power in His name.

The Bible defines God as spirit and love. So anytime you see  hatred, know that it isn't God.
Anytime, you see Jesus being misrepresented, know that it isn't God.

Whoever you are and whatever you are going through, I am rooting for you.
Whatever darkness you are trapped in, God can get you out.

Talk to Jesus. He hears you. Talk to Him as you would a friend, and don't try to hide anything from Him because He already knows anyway. Be honest, and watch Him work wonders in your life. Watch Him turn your ashes to beauty.

Anyhow, I'm not sure how this relates to the tree frog at the beginning of this blog, except for the fact that there are people out there who need to be rescued. To those people I say,
I love you and I'm praying for you. I'm always here to talk with you, and my door is always open.


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