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Monday, March 11, 2013

demonic torment

"we shall overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony"

And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die - revelation 12:11

umm, ok.. so this is going to sound weird. I believe in demons, not because I read about them or because someone told me about them, but because I have experienced them. I posted these videos on youtube a few weeks ago. Jesus told me that they were going to help someone. The next day I checked my inbox and there was message..funny thing is..I already kinda knew it was going to be there.
It was from a young girl. She said that she needed this message because of the things that she has faced. She said that my testimony helped her. For that, I am grateful. For every person that will mock and ridicule and scorn those who believe in the Bible and in the demonic, there are the few that will truly appreciate testimonies like this one. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to make this video. I did it because through all of my experiences, I have learned one thing. God is good. He is real. He is love. And we are more than overcomers through the word of our testimony. Even when they are hard to share and they leave you bare and open for ridicule..

wanna hear another cool story?

a lady on one of my videos pretty much insulted me. She didn't believe in demons and thinks that they are a tool for some sort of "charismatic" fear mongering. I told her that I'm not charismatic, but would never downgrade an entire group of people based upon their beliefs. We started chatting. I was nice to her, and now, we correspond. Love does that. It opens the doors of communication and understanding one another. It's easy to be petty. It's something altogher different to show grace..
so, even if you don't like these videos,  show grace anyway.
love on.
God is good.
P.s. I also have a text version of this if you are interested.

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