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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Days of Heaven, Day 4

The other day I was at a family member's house. When I walked inside, I saw a lady and her son were visiting. I don't know the lady too well, but I have talked with her on a few occassions....

Sometimes, I can feel God's great love for specific people. Today, I felt his love for this lady and her son. I have no idea what thier life looks like. I have no idea if they know God...or if they have faith.....

Every now and then I can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.....It comes as a sense of overwhelming "rightness"...
I knew that I was supposed to tell this lady just how much God loved her and her son....

I imagined myself walking up to her and saying, Mrs. _____, God loves you so much. I don't know what your life looks like, but He is telling me that soon the dark clouds of your life will fall away...He is showing me His great love for you and your son....

I imagined myself speaking to her without hesitation and without fear......There were other people in the room and I'm not accustomed to speaking in this I wrote it down...

I have a stack of journals in my car. Lately, I have given these journals to women in women's shelters, along with an encouraging message...

I chose a journal because a journal is place for thought....and I wanted to remind these women that thier thoughts are important. No matter how much abuse they have suffered, no matter what thier lives look like...thier thoughts matter...

I told the lady how much God loved her and her son. I told her that her thoughts matter....

But I was disappointed that I didn't speak it........

The Bible tells us that in order to be saved we are to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths....
We speak our faith.....To confess with our mouths is an action. It is something that we are to do.....

We speak. I don't know if writing qualifies as speaking, but I am praying that God will give me greater confidence to speak.  Beliving simply is not enough...we are to speak...

Let's shout it from the hilltops....Jesus Christ is Lord..

" If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9

When we confess our faith..when we speak..when we obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, we bring a little bit of Heaven to this dark earth......

I started thinking about our comfort zones.  God moves when we allow ourselves to move out of our places of safety. Some of the most amazing times in my Christian walk have been the times when I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I have always considered myself shy...but I have learned that God gives confidence..all we have to do is ask.......Speak! We need to learn to speak!
There have been times when I truly felt like God was asking me to do something specific, like pray with someone. I always imagined the worst possible scenario...I always imagined that the person would look at me strange and tell me to go away... but that has not happened...I have found that the people that He has asked me to pray for have been grateful. He has led me into love and He showed me that there is nothing scary about love.
Love is the tie that binds together. God is love.  He has shown me that relationships on earth are meant to be meaningful and deep. They are meant to be more than what we have made them. Only God can ever truly lead us into love. His love is the love that loves us no matter where we are or what we have done. His Love hopes all things, endures all things, believes all things...His love believes in us, even when no one else will....
Love is not scary. Speaking love is not scary. Next time, I speak!

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