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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

7 days of Heaven, Day 5

One day I was driving through a neighborhood and Jesus impressed something upon my heart... I imagined myself knocking on doors, visiting people.....

My initail reaction was, "Jesus, who does that anymore?"   Most people these days don't even know their own neighbors.

Lately, God has really put many people on my heart. Lately, I've found myself praying for people in my neighborhood that I haven't seen in years.

The other day I felt the need to go pay a visit to an elderly man that I haven't seen in years. It was very refreshing and already I am looking forward to going back.

I remember the first time Jesus asked me to pray with a lady that I hardly knew. She lives close by...At first I thought,,,how intimidating....but I prayed with her anyway...She began to open up to me...I learned many things about her life. She shared many of the tragedies that she has faced and opened up about God for the first time in a long while. We need that kind of dialogue with the people around us. We need to be the healing, loving hands of Christ. We need to listen to people's stories and help them in this race of life. We need to set aside differences, put down our gavels of judgement, and simply take the time.. We need to obey the voice of God.

I follow a blog written by a lady from a very beautiful family. In one of her posts she spoke of how she made chocolate chip cookies and went around her very hurting neighborhood. She introduced herself and she loved on strangers that she doesn't even know. During this time, she met widows and hurting people.

I know that we should all exercise caution in some areas, but I was deeply inspired by this kind of love...

The kind of love that actually gets to know the people in the neighborhood....

The other day I read something that made sense...Today we see so many problems in society. Drugs, Suicide, Child Abuse, and the list goes on and on....

The problem with many churches is thier outlook. Many churches limit the movement of God. Churches are set up to where they beckon the lost to come to them.,,,,... Many of the lost will never step foot inside of a church...

In the Bible, the church actually went out into the world. Not the other way around. The disciples went out two by two....into people's homes....The disciples sought out the lost of the world. They didn't build an epicenter and wait..."Build it and they will come.."

They simply just went. They put on the boots of peace and they went.

I like the idea of getting to know the neighbors. I like the idea of bringing cookies to someone's home. It's a romantic notion that seems to have died. I say we bring it back to life.

Today, go visit someone that you haven't seen in years. Walk over to the neighbors house and introduce yourself. Spread a little light and a little bit of Heaven to this dark earth.

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