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Sunday, August 13, 2017

Witchcraft In the Church? Video Testimony

Before watching this video, I would like to make a quick introduction as to why I am posting it.
Several years ago, Jesus was truly doing a work in me. I desperately longed to please Him. I went to homeless shelters around town. I went to prison ministries. I started going into nursing homes. I didn't think that I was "special," I just had a desire to do the things that Jesus said to do in His Word.

Everywhere I went, there seemed to be desperate need. Often times, the homeless shelters would tell me how grateful they were because they didn't have many volunteers. One time I went to a homeless shelter, and the women were literally almost out of food. I thought to myself, where are all of the Christians? I began to notice huge churches and cathedrals on almost every street corner, hundreds of them...billions of dollars worth of infrastructure, while there were poor, oppressed people right under our noses. I began to notice that many religious leaders were getting rich, and the people would pour their income into "temples made with human hands" and making religious leaders rich. I began to question everything, and I truly feel as if Jesus began showing me what is wrong with the institution of religion.

Many people think or feel that questioning the religious system is the same as questioning God, but nothing could be further from the truth. I feel as if there are many people, both in and out of churches, that desperately need a relationship with Jesus. Jesus said that there would be many "who would have a form of godliness" but they don't know or understand the power of the Holy Spirit. He said that there would be those who "honor Him with their lips, but not with their hearts." I read the book, Pagan Christianity, which purports that most of what we are doing in our churches isn't even in the Bible. (hint: the biblical model for church can be found in the Book of Acts.) It challenged me, and I believe it to be true.

Posting stuff like this is hard. There were times when I felt completely alone. I even felt as if God were calling me to write some challenging things, but I was too afraid. I was scared that I was going to be rejected because my ways of thinking were different, but Jesus showed me that even He questioned and challenged the religious system of His day and I was called to the same.

I desperately love people. I love people of all religions. I love pastors and priests and those both in out of churches...that is why I have one request. Please respect my beliefs and my thoughts in the same way that I respect yours. My writing is meant to challenge people, to get people to look beyond their "traditions and man" and into the heart of Jesus, Himself.

If anyone disagrees with anything that I have to say, please do so lovingly or simply just don't read the things that I write. My goal is to write what I believe Jesus has shown me and not to be pleaser of man.


This video could be considered "controversial" but I encourage you to test all things. I read that there are actual witches infiltrating the body of Believers with the sole purpose of creating division. 

 Witchcraft is a form of manipulation and it often does not look obvious. It can be manifested by manipulating spiritual forces to get OUR will done.  It can also be through manipulation in order to get money.".In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed" 2 Peter 2:3This video details a very strange experience that led to this subject, as well as how God defines witchcraft in the Bible. Watch and discuss.
 The Bible says to test all things, so if I am wrong on anything, please let me know. I also encourage you to watch the witchcraft series by tictoc ministries on Youtube. It is Very thorough. I also recommend Youtube's fotm1 video, "Witchcraft in the church, oh yeah, lots! I will posts the videos at the end of this post.

Many people may thing that posts of this nature are "critical" of the "temple," but I want people to understand that Jesus wasn't cloaked in sunshine and rainbows. The Bible says that He didn't come to bring peace, but a sword,(Matthew 10:34) and when He saw the money changers buying and selling things in His Father's House, He drove them out with a whip.(Matthew 21:12)

More food for thought:
Have you ever been told that "If you give x amount of money, Jesus will bless you ten fold or one hundred fold?" It's not true.Who benefits from this kind of language? Many self proclaimed "men of God" have made themselves rich by telling you that if you give to "them" and "their ministry" that Jesus will bless you. However, Jesus tells us to give to those who have need, not out of fear or guilt but out of a generous heart.He tells us that in doing so, we store up treasure in Heaven. Jesus' goal is not to make us rich by "storing up treasure for ourselves on earth", but to make us Holy, carved into the image of His Son,Jesus Christ. 
Jesus tells us that the gifts of God cannot be bought with money. (Acts 8:20)

If anyone disagrees with me, please do so in kindness. I love you. 

Witchcraft in the church, Oh yeah, lots!


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