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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to make a difference

while we are all scratching our  heads looking for our purpose in life...I came across a harrowing list of shelters in our state. Each shelter had a list of those housed... My heart grew heavy as I looked at the long list of shelters for children, abused women, men with substance abuse problems, people suffering from AIDS illness and physical impairments... There were a bevy of homeless shelters and places set aside for abused children..aged 3-16...
The list goes on....

So often, we wonder where God wants us to be..but in His word He clearly tells us to care for the orphan and to love on the lost. He tells us to care for the widow and the sick. One thing I have found, is that small things matter. Small things are huge to some people. Even one act of kindness can impact someone in great and immeasurable ways. IF you do nothing else this least dare to step out in faith and offer your kindness to one of these places.

I'm going to post a link of places all over the state. I long to see people find the healing hand of Christ in their lives. We are called to be that hand.
God tells us that the harvest is ripe, but the workers are few.
We are called to be those workers.

I'm not going to preach to you...I just simply want you to know you can make a difference in somone's life..

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