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Friday, July 8, 2011

Dream about Jesus

This past week has been a hailstorm.......It's amazing the damage that can be done to someone in only a few hours...with only a few short words......
Or how a hurtful act or lies can literally change the course things....

I, now, at the age of 35 have Finally come to realize the true damage caused by sin. I can regretfully say that I have allowed people into my life that have done nothing more than lie to me, hurt me, and repeatedly cause me extreme amounts of grief and sorrow.

Although I've decided to sever the cord with this person, I still feel the aftermath of the storm.
There is so much anger and bitterness that I am struggling with right now. I feel as if I have put my trust in a certain person many times and each time that I do, the hammer comes crashing down....

The person I'm speaking of keeps walking down paths of darkness and I turned my back on darkness long ago. I always thought that God would "change" him, but I am learning that God gave us reason to make our own choices. My husband has continually made the wrong ones. I, in turn, have been the one to suffer....

I feel like I'm complaining, but I'm not....The situation is what it is.....all I can do is sever myself from this....and pray.....

The other night, in the midst of all this cacophony I had a dream....

I dreamt I was standing on a front of me was a rose....It was withering...It was dried out...It looked like popourri..not like a living, breathing rose.... I think I was dead in the dream...
I remember looking at the lifeless rose, thinking "I am that rose."

I picked it up in my hands, and it fell like a dead leaf....

Then....I looked up and I saw Jesus walking into the room. there were people walking behind him...His face looked strange from a distance, but I could see that it glowed. It was very bright...

As He walked closer to me....I could feel an immeasurable peace. The closer He got, the more the peace radiated .......until I forgot that I was dead...and I was just so immersed in comfort...

He walked up to me and hugged me....In the dream, He was very tall...I think I came up to his chest....and He was very strong. His face no longer looked strange.....I remember Him lifting me up on some sort of a carriage...and He sat behind me...He spoke to me and I remember I was very comforted...

I don't remember much more from the dream....only that when I woke up...I realized that Jesus still loves me....I realized that no matter what I am going matter how confused and hurt I am by this situation, He is still there....

I am so greatful for that dream....I have felt so much better ever since...still with bouts of anger and hurt...but this dream is helping me....He is walking me through this storm...

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