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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Personal Revelation

I think God may have revealed something to me about my marriage...
Yes, I have gone through hardship beyond belief

but tonight

He showed I always expected it to fail..

I never really thought it would suceed, and everything I have done reflects that.. I went into my marriage broken, battered, and bruised....and I put up a wall from the beginning...

my attitude toward the marriage has always reflected that wall.....

does it change the past?

the hurts still exist...the wounds are still there...
the past holds it's own demons

Lately, He has shown me how small, simple acts of love can thread so much together...
Love builds, encouragement builds...

So is it that simple? Really? Will small acts of love and kindness rebuild all that was lost?

Am I willing to take that risk, and let down my guard?

I will pray..and seek.....I can't change my husband ...or the things he has done..all I can do is continue to Trust God with my life....
He is where I find my answers.

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