This is the post that mysteriously disappeared on me yesterday. I can't necessarily attribute the disappearing blog post to something meniacal...but I do know that if everyone actually did what I am going to propose in this writing, ....
Lives could be changed!
Hearts could be mended! Strongholds could come down!
Some time ago, I began making "TO DO" lists for Jesus. Why is it important to make "TO DO" lists for Him?
Because He calls us to act. I find that if I don't act on the word, my life tends to stagnate. It's so easy to get caught up in our own affairs that we forget the great need of others. It's so easy to become self involved. But we aren't called to be self-involved...
we are called to love.
I can see so much chaos in the world. Only a few days ago, a very dear member of our family and community was murdered. Chaos!
I have been following the Casey Anthony story. She is accused of killing her two year old daughter and hiding her little body in the woods. I cringe when I imagine Caylee's final moments. I can see her
resting in the arms of Jesus, even as her mother continues her string of lies.
Yesterday was a day of peace and tears. One moment I felt an immense peace. The next moment I was in tears. Peace.
tears. Peace. tears.
I couldn't decide if I was hormonal or the state of the world was just getting to me. I am sad because of the tragedy.
I'm sure everyone by now can see the state of the world. There don't seem to be many people spreading His Light and His Love. At least, that is the way it seems. I know so many people involved in lies and deception. That I am just sad.
Jesus showed me something one day..."As Christians, each of us has a Light within us, but it is up to us to share
spread it into the dry, dusty ground of chaos, and watch it grow...
The harvest....The
harvest is watching all those hurting, dismantled, and broken lives realizing that they have hope. The harvest is seeing someone beaten down, coming to realize that they have an immense purpose. That
no life is small. That we are all created in His image, and we are each called to ACT.
A few days ago, I attended the funeral for a very special woman. I wrote a post in her honor. Mrs. Mary Jeanette Duhon. The way she died was tragic. For those that don't know...she was murdered.
At the funeral, over 100 people began to sing.
To sing. In spite of all the darkness, and all of the grief, we sang.
It was a beautiful moment. It was a moment when I felt Jesus' Light shining into the darkness.
IN that moment, the silent screams of chaos were muted...and all I could hear was the sound of joy.
Amazing Grace. That is the song we sang.
Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
but now am found
was blind
but Now I see
Was Grace that taught
my heart to fear
and Grace my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come
The Grace that brought me safe thus far
Will lead me safely Home
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days
To sing God's Praise
Than when we first begun.
My sister-in-law, Melonie is asking that friends and family of Mrs. Jeanette pray and fast for 21 days so that her mom's murderer will be captured.
The man's name is Joe Constance.
I am participating in the fasting, but would like others to do something else, as well.
For the next 21 days, in addition to fasting, I am going to sing Amazing Grace three times a day.
I will sing it every day until my prayer materializes..
I am praying that every time I sing this song, it somehow finds it's way into the very core, body, and soul of Joe Constance.
I pray that every time I sing...and anyone who would like join in.....I pray that the sound of our Light, the sound of the call of Jesus...will bring this man to his knees with guilt and remorse.
I pray that each time the song is sung, a thread of hurt and suffering will be loosed in the family that is facing this tragedy. I pray that with each word spoken and softly sung, the family of Mrs. Jeanette will see a little more Light...
and Each time the song is sung, the murderer will be overcome with such intense grief and remorse for his action, that he will literally fall to his knees...
I am praying that he will turn himself in and apologize to this family that needs closure.
I wish the whole world would sing, Amazing Grace. I wish thousands, or millions of people will sing, even if for one day....and believe that prayers will be heard.
I can only imagine different scenarios of how things could play out. I envision him walking in front a church one day....He hears the song Amazing Grace...and he falls to his knees...because he has heard that song before...He didn't know it.....but dozens...or hundreds...of people had sang that song every day...with the belief that the power of faith and words.....would bring him to knees in remorse....He heard the song in his spirit...only he didn't know...
That probably sounds strange....but I have an amazing faith. So whether it be fasting, praying, and singing....the true power lies in faith.
I belive in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of God. Not because of things that people have told me to believe, but because I have seen the supernatural, I have sought, and I have found. He is real. He is Love.
So why make "TO DO" lists for Jesus and what would one look like?
A TO DO list reminds us that we are not alone. A To Do List reminds us that there are others out there that need the Light of His Love. It reminds us that we aren't called to stagnate, we are called to grow..We grow by acting and doing.....It's like a small seed...our good deeds and kindness, literally make the world grow.
Darkness cannot live in Light. It wil smother. It will die. It will suffocate. The screams of choas are muted...and replaced with the gentlest, and softest of sounds....the sound of Peace.
An all encompassing and overwhelming Peace. A Peace that surpasses ALL understanding.
Here is My TO DO list for the week....
1. Last week, I wrote a letter to a cousin that has experienced much loss. This week, I need to mail that letter.
2. Order more baby booties for new moms and moms considering abortions
3. Live, love, laugh, and mourn with my family. Breath life in deep. This day could be our last.
4. Write more Blogs!
5. Write a letter thanking someone for thier kindness to me.
Today, I challenge you to sing Amazing Grace and believe that a family will heal and a murderer will apologize. Today, I challenge you to write your own "To Do" list for Him.
Store up your treasures in Heaven. Where they can't be stolen..or rust..or eaten by moth..
Let your Light Grow.
Do it,,,I dare ya more thought....for those reading this that maybe don't believe in Him...I am writing this blog, not for self recognition, but with the belief that the very face of Jesus will emerge. I have often heard the phrase, "Our life is the only Bible some people will ever read." That may well be I pray that you will seek, and you will find. I hope you can read my posts and see that Jesus is very real.
I want people to know that the "narrow path", although it is sometimes is a road that is cloaked in Beauty and Love. It is the road less traveled for a reason. Often, He will tell us things that we may not want to hear. Things that involve sacrifice. He wants us to strive to be perfect. He teaches us how to get there.
I know I have done some horrible things in my past. But I know that I am forgiven. You can be too.
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