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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tonight , and on occassion, I envision this tightrope.

I feel like I am walking on a very narrow string.

If I lose sight. If I lose focus, I will fall. I will die.

I imagined this glass ball. It is resting on a very very small ledge.

It is hanging in the balance.

Tonight, I asked God to widen the ledge so that it doesn't fall.

I feel such a darkness at times. It hasn't gotten me down. I haven't wavered.

But I know it's there.

I also know that if I hold the hand of the One that Gave me roots, I won't fall.

I'll make it to the other side of the tightrope.

And I know that there are good things up ahead.

He told me so..

Please pray for me...and I will pray for you.

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