I loved this book. I'm always skeptical when reading any Christian book. It's hard to know when people are out for a profit. It's hard to know if people are telling the truth about thier experiences. The one source of truth that I know is the Bible. If whatever I read, matches up with that, then I say good job.
This story moved me because it confirmed what I already believe. That children are in Heaven.
I know of some families that recently lost a child. I can't imagine thier grief, sorrow, and despair. I pray that I never have to go through that traumatic experience.
Sometimes Jesus speaks to me about things. Sometimes very clearly. I know two families in particular that have lost a child recently. Jesus told me, plain as day, to give these families this message. " Your child is with me. He is o.k. He is walking with me."
I wrote letters to each of these families and I would also like to give them a copy of this book. Anything that would give them hope. To let them know that Heaven is Real. It is a place where children go when they die.
"Let the children come to me; Do not hinder them. For to such belongs the Kingdom of God" Mark 10: 13-16
I think it is important to ask, "What can I do for someone who has lost a child? What story can I tell of my experiences? What hope can I bring to let these suffering parents know that there is a Light? That there is a hope even amidst the despair and anger? Even amonst the inability to see or understand?
Take a moment to pray for families who have lost a child and ask Jesus to show you what Light you can bring to them? What encouragement?
In this book, it talks about how the little boy was allowed to witness heaven for himself. One of the interesting things that struck me was how when he came back he told his mother of a second sister that he encountered in heaven that he didn't even know about. We later learn that the mother had a miscarriage and the boy didn't know about it until he met his little sister in heaven. How beautiful how Jesus loves the unborn children. That He numbers the hairs on thier heads and gives them a place to rest. A place of peace.
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