I occasionally watch televison. Sometimes I watch the news. Sometimes, I'll watch something that someone else in the house is watching. But lately, I have had no real desire to watch television. How many hours of our lives are robbed by staring at screen? Why do we look to these often "fictional" stories instead of making stories or memories of our own? Instead of finding out the story of someone else around us? Everyone has a story that we can learn from.
There are times when I think it would be fascinating to live in the old days. When people actually talked to one another. When people would walk miles to visit someone. When there wasn't the distraction of televison to give us a false sense of something. I'm in no means judging people that watch television. I used to sit for hours at a time watching episode after episode of "24." ( I actually do really like that show) But now that Jesus has planted true seeds of love in my heart, I feel a need to Do. To turn off the television and Do.
The time with my children has seemed more precious and valuable. The time with my grandparents. My neighbor. My parents. My siblings. Everything seems more precious when we let go of what cripples us. Our habits. Our addictions. There is a beauty that He will show you if you seek Him. He will give your life purpose and fulfillment that you won't have to fill with 2, 4, 6, 8...hours of t.v. time. It was when I first decided to change my habits and seek Him that I truly began to notice things that I hadn't noticed before. I began to appreciate even the simplest thing. The sound of the wind through the trees. Even the quality of my son's laughter. The days have become more meaningful since I have dedicated my days to seeking Him. Because I am finding. And the things I am finding are lovely.
Quite lovely, to be exact.
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