Recently I attended a funeral. A dear friend of mine had a mother who recently passed away. Her name was Hollie Brumit. I've been to countless funerals. I have had many friends and loved ones pass away over the years. But this is the first funeral that I have ever been to that was set up to be a celebration. I was inspired. Mrs. Hollie Brumit was very confident in her faith. She knew that there would be no reason to mourn. I know her family is very grieved, and I send my thoughts and prayers with them. I know that there is a mother, a grandmother, a friend that will be deeply missed.
During the course of the funeral, the song, "When the Saints Go Marching In" was played. Mrs. Brumit knew there was a heaven. Her daugther ,my dear friend Diane, read a letter at the funeral and told of her mother's great faith. She spoke of her mother's knowing that there was a better and more beautiful place waiting for her beyond the realm of this life. Hollies granddaughter, Heather, also told a beautiful story that I would like to share in a separate blog. It deserves a space all on its own.
After the burial, we released these beautiful red balloons into the sky and sang, "I'll fly away."
I'll fly away, O' glory
I'll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah bye and bye
I'll fly away...
I didn't really know Mrs. Brumit well but I could see a very bright personality through her funeral wishes. She wanted things done in a certain way. She didn't want people to mourn for her because she knew of a place called Heaven. She knew a man named Jesus.
That is how I want to die. With confidence. When the time comes, I don't want anyone to mourn for me. Because I know there is a place called Heaven. And I know a man named Jesus.
I want laughter at my funeral. And joy. I don't want to be mourned. I want my life to be celebrated. I want to live my life in such a way that I have no regrets. To live it in such a way tha I know that purpose in Him is being fulfilled. To know that I have accomplished the work that He has set before me. The task of spreading His love.
A few months later, I attended another funeral. The boyfriend of one of my friends passed away. He was only 36 years old. His name was Roland Pellerin. I was very moved at this funeral, as well. My best friend, Jennifer is a true Christian. She is one of my Catholic friends and, to me, she embodies many of the qualities of Jesus. Patience. Purity. She has a kind heart of devotion. A heart of love. She and Roland had grown close in a short amount of time. They had a spiritual connection. I was moved so much at this funeral because Roland recently truly rededicated his life to Jesus. That is such a beautiful thing. How even through the chaos of death, as Christians, we can be assured that there is a life beyond what we can see. There is a promise. I am praying for you Jen. I love you. I am praying for you too Diane. I love you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. I know that things are difficult. That there are times when we don't understand the why's of things. But I do know that if we live with confidence, like your mom, Diane...and your boyfriend, Jen..then there is a beautiful place waiting for us. There is a man...and His name is Jesus.
"In my Father's house, there are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you." John 14: 2
"He will wipe every tear from thier eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" Revelation 21:4
One more thing.....at Roland's funeral, someone spoke about a dash...Each of us has a dash..that space between our years. It looks like this 1970-2011. It is what we do with the time in between that dash that matters. What are you doing with your dash? I know what I am doing with mine. I am living a life in Jesus and it is turning into this beautiful thing. Much of my dash has been wasted in darkness. But all our dashes can come alive. Our lives, that space between our years, can grow into something beautiful. The thing about death is this: It makes us think about our lives. Do you know Jesus? Are you truly living? Is your destiny being fulfilled? Each of us has a destiny. If we seek Him, we will find it.
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