There are days when the enemy whispers in my ear, "Your purpose is small." Nothing you will do will ever make a difference." But then, I hear the voice of my Jesus saying, "Rachelle, I have called you to love. Love is no small purpose. Love is not your purpose. It is MY purpose." He then tells me that if I will simply plant His beautiful seeds of love, He will water them and let them grow." Please pray that acts of love will flourish. That Jesus will use me to encourage others through love. Through kindness. Pray that Jesus will use me to inspire others to acts of kindness through His love. Pray for me. For my purpose is not small.
But guess what? Neither is yours. Each of us has a purpose. The Bible gives us specific instructions on what we are to do, Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, pray for the sick, take care of widows and orphans. Spread His message. Find what you are good at, even if it is listening, and use it to make things grow. To let the Light of His love, grow!
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