many people just don't care. I remember when I first began my Christian walk...i sent a copy of what Jesus was doing in my life to over 50 people. 5o. Only 2 people responded. Do people just not care? Are people more interested in i phone apps and lady gaga than Jesus? Seriously?
I went to one of the few prison ministries in a town of over 100,000 people. Over half of which sit in church pews on Sunday mornings. Do the math. Huge mega church that house hundreds of people. Hundreds. No volunteers seemingly anywhere. So where are all the christians?
Maybe there are things going on that I don't know about?
We live in the Bible Belt. So where are all the Bibles? Apparently people aren't reading them. Tonight I read about a 10 year old boy that found dead inside of a box. Dead. He had cerebral palsy. The parents are being blamed. Another case of abuse.
last week, a child was cooked in an oven by his mom. No Bibles in that house. I sometimes read comments on popular news posts. Everything seems to turn into a religious argument. Name calling. Non believers calling Christians, "fools." Christians calling "non believers" fools.
It is a game of tit for tat. It is relatively disappointing.
It is altogether sad.
It is the times we live in.
Many many many many people just don't care. Bottom line.
Not many are willing to make time for others. Few are willing to do favors.
There are givers. There are takers. Takers are huge in number. Givers are few and far between.
So what do we do? we wait. We patiently wait. We plant seeds. We sow love. We pray. We let God do His work. We try to let the fact that no one seems to care, bother us.
But it does. It bothers me.
I asked Jesus, Where IS EVERYONE? What are people doing?
This is what He told me:
I went to one of the few prison ministries in a town of over 100,000 people. Over half of which sit in church pews on Sunday mornings. Do the math. Huge mega church that house hundreds of people. Hundreds. No volunteers seemingly anywhere. So where are all the christians?
Maybe there are things going on that I don't know about?
We live in the Bible Belt. So where are all the Bibles? Apparently people aren't reading them. Tonight I read about a 10 year old boy that found dead inside of a box. Dead. He had cerebral palsy. The parents are being blamed. Another case of abuse.
last week, a child was cooked in an oven by his mom. No Bibles in that house. I sometimes read comments on popular news posts. Everything seems to turn into a religious argument. Name calling. Non believers calling Christians, "fools." Christians calling "non believers" fools.
It is a game of tit for tat. It is relatively disappointing.
It is altogether sad.
It is the times we live in.
Many many many many people just don't care. Bottom line.
Not many are willing to make time for others. Few are willing to do favors.
There are givers. There are takers. Takers are huge in number. Givers are few and far between.
So what do we do? we wait. We patiently wait. We plant seeds. We sow love. We pray. We let God do His work. We try to let the fact that no one seems to care, bother us.
But it does. It bothers me.
I asked Jesus, Where IS EVERYONE? What are people doing?
This is what He told me:
Rachelle, there are people that have always been there.
These are the people that prayed for you while
You had no desire for Me.
There are People out there
That tireless work
That press on
that move forward.
Then there are those who were where you were a few months ago
Lost, in a situaion
I have called you to plant the seed. I will water it.
In Me, there are roots.
I am where things grow deep.
I am the source of Love.
Show that love, and things will flourish
Lives will prosper
Tonight I pray for all those who believe that thier purpose is small. I thank all those who work. Who tirelessly give. Those who give so that the broken ones come to be restored. Those whose life is a compass that continually points to the way of the Cross.
Tonight I pray for those Christians that are hurting. Those that are going through things. Those that believe that thier purpose is small. Those that are listening to the lies. "you are too busy"
You will fail" Those are the lies.
The purpose of love is a great purpose. It is the reason why He died.
Look at the stories. Read the news. The 13 year boy who committed suicide last week because he was being bullied. The kids who drowned in the van. The ones whose mother decided that life just wasn't worth living.
This is the call of love. These are the people who need it.
I asked Jesus one day, "Jesus, where are the lost?" He said, Rachelle, They are all around you. Not the people you read about. These faceless strangers. They are the people in your own back yard. The people in your neighborhood. The people that you work with. These are the lost. These are the people that we read about.
Find Him. Know your Purpose. Find your roots. For, they are there. Let them grow. Water them with the Word of God. Seek, Trust, Wait..
Rachelle I am so proud of you...Many days and nights your family prayed for you.. I did get angry a lot at you sometimes, I wanted to shake you, too. For I knew that you had a calling on your life and I wanted you to come back and do what God wanted for your life. But even though you seemed to go to Shreveport to get to Cameron, you have found your purpose at last. You have such a gift for writing! I love you, Mom
ReplyDeleteThat's one of my drawings..... I'm honored you liked it and used it in your blog. Hugs Christina from Italy